5 tips to break through writer's block

By: Sherilyn Moore

Producing content regularly is a requirement to keep businesses afloat these days. With the need for robust content marketing, you’ll always have to deliver writing. Whether you’re developing ideas for content, writing blogs, or creating emails to prospects and customers, dynamic content is a must.

So, what do you do when it’s time to produce more content, but the flow of words has dried up? What if you’ve run out of ideas? If you’re stuck with the dreaded writer’s block, what next? Let’s review some tips that may help your creativity to flow again:

Stimulate the mind

If you feel like your mind is dull, maybe it’s because you’ve been writing so much. Try switching gears and participating in some creative activities. You could draw, paint, color, sing, play an instrument, attend a symphony, or read. Reading is especially helpful because it could trigger an idea for new content. Joining a Book Club that connects you with like-minded individuals could stimulate the writer in you.

Think outside the box

Writing all the time can often feel like you’re saying the same thing over and over again. When that’s the case, you may have to think about the material in a new way — possibly present it through a unique perspective. For example, if you’ve written blogs educating your audience on a topic, you could then present it as a story narrative to add flair and drama to the subject matter.

Just start writing

Let’s face it — procrastination is a writer’s worst enemy. It can dull the mind and quench creativity even more. Many times, we have to push forward with writing whether we feel the inspiration or not. You might feel the wheels of motivation turning as you plow ahead and write. Even if you don’t, you can get the first draft produced and go back to it later. Writing something is better than remaining stagnant.

Tap into your resources

If you need topic ideas, explore the many online tools and resources out there. You may want to check out HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator, Google Trends, UberSuggest, BuzzSumo, SEMrush, and Boston Content for added help along the way.

Once you get your topics and start writing, another tool that comes in handy if the words aren’t flowing is an online thesaurus. Take advantage of the free help that’s available.


If you feel stuck, take a few minutes to exercise. This increases your heart rate and allows your body to release chemicals such as endorphins, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These chemicals can act as a natural medicine for your creativity. They enhance your mood, making you feel happier while also reducing stress and anxiety levels. It is the perfect recipe to relieve writer’s block.

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About the author:

Sherilyn Moore is an experienced freelance writer with dual bachelor’s degrees and an Inbound Marketing Certificate from HubSpot Academy. She has a demonstrated history working in the content marketing industry, with SEO, content creation, and proofreading skills. During her writing career, she’s written thousands of pieces of content for a wide range of industries. You can hire Sherilyn directly through nDash.